our services

TEam coaching

“Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the me for the we” Phil Jackson

What are high performing teams?

The best performing teams are – what I call – HUMANteams. That is, teams that operate at more than the sum of its parts and to harness the best in each other. In HUMANteams, members know they are part of a group of people doing something meaningful, creating something bigger than themselves. HUMANteams build internal and external relationships and feel connected to each other, knowing they can build on each other’s strengths, and empower each other to shine at their best. HUMANteams have high levels of trust and a culture wherein everyone can constructively challenge and give each other feedback. HUMANteams are engaged in lifelong learning and development and are change agents themselves.

through coaching, teams learn to:

Find purpose

Identify and align to their and the organisation’s purpose

Develop collective intelligence

Develop the collective intelligence of the team 

Continuous growth

Ensure lifelong individual and collective learning

Build Trust

Build trust, learn to communicate effectively and to relate to each other as HUMANbeings

create a conducive environment

Have the difficult conversations that are need to support each other’s growth

Connect to stakeholders

Understand and agree on how to fulfil the needs of – and to connect to – major stakeholders

How does it work?

Every team coaching engagement is different. The duration, process and tools are tailored to the needs of the team and the results of the team diagnostics. I incorporate elements and tools from my various backgrounds, including Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching™, Conversational Intelligence®, Transpersonal Coaching and Mind-fulness.