About me

Hi! I am sara Groenendijk

A few snapshots about me

I am professional


I am certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) – both entities that set the golden standard that ensures coaching quality.

My focus is on cross-cultural coaching, supporting individuals and teams to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Lifelong learning is key for me and I am always exploring and developing the HUMAN in me. I recently graduated from the Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) training series by CRR Global and Conversational Intelligence for Coaches training by Judith E. Glaser and her team.

I am professional


I am certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) – both entities that set the golden standard that ensures coaching quality.

My focus is on cross-cultural coaching, supporting individuals and teams to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Lifelong learning is key for me and I am always exploring and developing the HUMAN in me. I recently graduated from the Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) training series by CRR Global and Conversational Intelligence for Coaches training by Judith E. Glaser and her team.

I am passionate


Life, for me, is about connecting to people. About being HUMAN. About acknowledging, sharing and acting upon our most vulnerable and powerful selves. My goal is to HUMANize the world; HUMANizing individuals, and HUMANizing the workplace.

Imagine if we – in our work, at home, everywhere – would be able to see ourselves and each other for whom we really are. Imagine if we would truly connect to each other to co-create our future. Imagine if we would let go of all our guards and interact with each other from a place of trust, compassion and curiosity. Imagine if we learned to be more HUMAN. We would instigate a HUMANrevolution!

I am unique


Why work with me?

People always say that I have this amazing talent to create a safe space wherein people feel comfortable and welcome – a space where they can be fully HUMAN.

I have a grounded centred calmness around me, as I am fully present and trusting the process. I am authentic and can sometimes be brutally honest while in search for the truth. I am utterly committed and dedicated and I will do anything to achieve what I believe in.

I have an informal and personal approach and love to make our work together fun. I have a vast personal and professional experience across the globe and understand first-hand what it means to operate cross-culturally.

I am unique


Why work with me?

People always say that I have this amazing talent to create a safe space wherein people feel comfortable and welcome – a space where they can be fully HUMAN.

I have a grounded centred calmness around me, as I am fully present and trusting the process. I am authentic and can sometimes be brutally honest while in search for the truth. I am utterly committed and dedicated and I will do anything to achieve what I believe in.

I have an informal and personal approach and love to make our work together fun. I have a vast personal and professional experience across the globe and understand first-hand what it means to operate cross-culturally.



As a child I learned to work hard and to take ‘wise’ decisions. I was always trying to fulfil expectations and make the ‘right’ choice. However, doing what was right for my CV wasn’t always right for me.

In 2014 I moved to Ethiopia to pursue what I though was my dream. This dream, however, turned out to be closer to a nightmare. I was forced to stop what I always had been doing and to think about what I always had wanted.

During this period – that I call my biggest breakdown and my most powerful breakthrough – all pieced just came together. I saw the common thread throughout all my educational and career choices and understood that I had always wanted to work with people, that is, with what really makes them HUMAN.

Becoming a coach was a very natural choice. Actually, it feels as if I didn’t have a choice – coaching chose me. It was liberating to find my purpose, to be able to make very conscious choices from them onwards and to help others do the same.

I am 'Adey'


The Adey flower (Bidens Macroptera) is indigenous to Ethiopia and blooms right after the rainy season in September/October, during the start of the Ethiopian New Year and the Meskel Holiday celebrations. The flower symbolizes new beginnings, sunshine after the rains, hope, and the choices we strive for.

While living for 6 years in Ethiopia, I learned to love the country, and that season and the flower in particular. During the holiday celebrations, all houses have fresly cut grass & this flower decorating the floors and welcoming guests for an amazing traditional coffee cerimony. Iwedihalehu!

I am 'Adey'

The Adey flower (Bidens Macroptera) is indigenous to Ethiopia and blooms right after the rainy seasin in September/October, during the start of the Ethiopian New Year and the Meskel Holiday celebrations. The flower symbolizes new beginnings, sunshine after the rains, hope, and the choices we strive for.

While living for 6 years in Ethiopia, I learned to love the country, and that season and the flower in particular. During the holiday celebrations, all houses have fresly cut grass & this flower decorating the floors and welcoming guests for an amazing traditional coffee cerimony. Iwedihalehu!