our services

Training & Facilitation

“You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him find it within himself.”  Galileo Galilei

What do I do?

All of my training and facilitation work have a HUMAN approach, as it focuses not only on opening the eyes but also the hearts of each of the participants. The work is experiential and emphasises not only the teaching of new knowledge and skills, but also on the process of self-transformation. I provide training on various topics, including coaching skills development, leadership development, emotional intelligence, communication and conversational intelligence, etc.

I also facilitate team building and team away days, improving team bonding and the team member’s understanding of and relating to each other, resolving potential conflict or difficulties, and/or managing evaluative or planning processes.

I use a coaching approach to both my facilitations and training work. That is, I create a space for reflection and co-learning whereby – through experiential and thought-provoking processes – I help participants solve their own problems.

Sara’s coaching skills training helped me to truly understand, and experience, the power of coaching. Through this trajectory, I changed the way I think and approach my challenges. I walked away from every sessions with new and clear perspective on how to approach my work and personal issues. It also transformed the way I address my staff, I now make sure that my intentions, behaviour and impact are aligned. Sara has a fantastic ability to listen carefully, to mirror things I was not even aware of, and to identify areas for a deep-dive.”

Kidest Hailu, Country Director of American International Health Alliance (AIHA)