our services

Executive coaching

“When you’re a leader — no matter how long you’ve been in your role or how hard the journey was to get there — you are merely overhead unless you’re bringing out the best in your employees” Dan Cable

What is executive coaching?

As an executive coach I partner with an individual (usually executives, but often high-potential employees) to support him/her to become a great(er) leader, a HUMANleader. Through the coaching engagement I support executives to develop self-awareness, clarify goals, achieve their development objectives, and unlock their potential.

Every trajectory is unique as I tailor my work to the needs of the leader him/herself and the reality of the team.  

through coaching, executives learn to:

Find purpose

Identify individual, team and/or organisational purpose

Develop Emotional intelligence

Grow their emotional intelligence, including empathy and the ability to respond to situations in a constructive way

Build a strong team

Cater to the needs of the team and to build a platform for shared leadership responsibilities

Build Trust

Create trust so that employees can operate at their best

create a conducive environment

Stimulate a creative working environment where solutions are co-created by all employees

Adapt their leadership style

Adapt their leadership style to what is needed most in the moment

“A major shift since I started executive coaching with Sara is that I learned to step up to my role – I am taking ownership over that new way of being. Interestingly enough, I noticed that it has a spill over effect on my staff, who are now also stepping up to their roles and taking ownership over their positions. We are a much stronger team because I changed my approach towards myself and them.”

Wondwesen Zewdie, Deputy General Manager R&D Group

What makes a great leader?

Great leaders are HUMANleaders. They bring out their best and the best in the people they work with.

HUMANleaders can adapt their leadership style to specific situations. They have high levels of self-awareness and are able to manage their emotions in favour of building relationships. HUMANleaders build trust, are empathic and align their intentions, behaviours and impact. They are purpose and value driven, and are able to align those at all levels – personal, team, and organisation. Great leaders have a well-developed gut feeling and build from – instead of react to – what emerges.


of Top performers have high emotional intelligence


of organizations saw an ROI on their Coaching engagements